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The sauna offers a multitude of health and wellness benefits. Its heat helps eliminate toxins, relax muscles and improve blood circulation. It strengthens the immune system, promotes relief from stress and tension, and improves the complexion. The sauna experience offers a feeling of relaxation and well-being, while strengthening the body’s endurance and resilience. It is an ideal way to rejuvenate and renew yourself.

But let’s see in detail, what are the benefits of this particularly ‘hot’ process:

  • Cold fighting
  • Fighting arthritis
  • Ideal for elderly people (without health problems and with a doctor’s approval)
  • Relieves neurological pain
  • Helps in weight loss
  • Respiratory system (strong clearance of the bronchi is achieved)
  • Collagen production (heat increases elasticity and reduces signs of connective tissue contractions)
  • It is recommended for people with heart problems (after consulting a doctor) as it maintains a constant temperature and there are no fluctuations
  • Elimination of toxins through sweating
  • Reduction and fight against cellulite.
  • Increase in endorphins, the hormones that cause pleasant feelings in the body making the person in a state of euphoria.
  • Fighting allergies

A visit to the infrared sauna is not allowed if:

  • Acute respiratory and colds, which are accompanied by high fever.
  • Severe forms of diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, kidney and liver pathology.
  • Oncological diseases and the presence of benign tumors (including fibroids, adenomas, mastopathy).
  • Hypertension, hypotension and problems with the cardiovascular system. psoriasis, neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.
  • Purulent processes in the body. chronic diseases in the acute stage. exhaustion of the body – cachexia.
  • Bleeding of any nature, including menstrual bleeding; pregnancy and lactation period
  • Chronic alcoholic syndrome.

  • During the sauna we provide you with a free drink of your choice where you can enjoy it while listening to your favorite music.
  • The changing room and the use of the sauna are private whether you are alone or with your company.
  • Upon arrival at our place, we will hand you a key to the safety locker where you will store and secure your personal belongings.
  • You can adjust the temperature of the sauna as well as the color therapy you wish.
  • In our premises, we provide you with everything you will need to complete your appointment and immediately return to your schedule:

*The sauna and hot tub are private for everyone.

The materials of our offered services are excellent quality almond oil, coconut oil, vegetable raw materials and certified products.

*Animus Day Spa does not provide any medical treatment. Please inform us of any allergies or serious illnesses.